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Lake Sonoma Series MTB Race #1


Lake Sonoma Series MTB Race #1


Pro Women


Saturday, March 22, 2014


Caroline Dezendorf


“Mountain bike racing at Liberty Glen Campground, Lake Sonoma. 4.8 miles of technical trails.

90% of course is single track.”




Perfect! High 60s to 70s but super dry and loose terrain




Team- Represent at a race where Mike’s Bikes was a main sponsor

Personal – sub-2 hour race with negative splits


Go out strong and keep the pro and expert men in sight. Stay smooth on descents and use the climbs to pass.

Don’t bonk!


I found out about this race at 4:45 Friday night. After having food poisoning Thursday night, my plans to race—or even ride for that matter—were basically non-existent. But it really doesn’t take much to convince me to ride my bike; especially when I found out Bike Monkey and Mike’s Bikes was putting on the race. I set my alarm for 6:00am and figured I’ll just see how I feel. Of course, my alarm didn’t go off. I woke up at  7:00. And knowing it was a 2 hour drive up to Lake Sonoma, I somehow managed to make breakfast, pack my bike, and get out the door in 15 minutes.

I arrived at the race right at 9:00, registered, and got ready to race. It was a mass start of the Pro and Expert Men and Women. I knew I could out-climb a lot of them, which put me in good position mid-pack, when we turned onto the first section of single track. I felt kind of bad with a group of 6 guys trailing me through the first section of single-track, which was super fun and technical trail. So of course, at the first technical section, I panicked and let a group of guys passed. I was ok with this because it allowed me to set my own pace and not worry about making mistakes with people behind me. Every time I hit a climb, I made up time and passed people.By the end of the first lap, my legs started warming up and I started feeling confident in my riding. And of course, this is the exact time my bottle cage decided to come loose. So I had to stop and take out the one remaining screw, which cost me a little time. In a way, I guess it fired me up to start going harder and take more risks. I gained confidence every time I passed an expert guy and felt stronger every lap. It was a tough race, one of the most technical cross-country races I’ve done, but it taught me a lot about my strengths and weaknesses. I loved the climbs and definitely used them to my advantage. I still took first in the Pro Women category but I know I could have gone faster!  I can always improve on my technical ability and confidence. So here’s to more racing and always improving!


* Always remember to check equipment before riding!

* Get out of my head--- know my riding ability--- because “danger” does not mean I can’t ride it

* 2014 is going to be an awesome year