Team Mike's Bikes powered by Equator Coffees

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Toyota Sienna

This year Team Mike's Bikes is scattered around Northern California and we rely on our local Mike’s Bikes shops to stay connected. They connect us with everything we need to be a team, such as efficient delivery of essential sponsor products between stores. Once we leave the area, Toyota usurps that role with a Toyota Sienna race van. When you see this bright bombshell of a vehicle approach you know that the team has brought our shop with us.


Unload the van and you will see that it essentially packs a mobile Mike’s Bikes:

  • Caesar Belli - The only teammate who doesn’t wear spandex. He pilots the vehicle and ensures the bikes are all in top condition on his rear hitch mounted bike stand.

  • Teammates - This van holds up to 7 teammates, so it’s always a surprise who will roll out. Personally, I’ve already claimed my back corner where I can get some quick naps in route.

  • Bikes - We may never know the maximum capacity, but I expect Redlands pushed the limit on what is possible. With +/- 10 bikes, we can carry enough for any stage race.

  • Equipment and Food - Like the shops, our van is packed with kits, equipment, and food. Between Roman hiding care packages for rainy days and our bags of Osmo bottles, the rear trunk is full of everything we need to race.


We can’t thank Toyota enough for their support of this team. They take us to and from the races and serve as our mobile basecamp (and therefore meetup location) at races and rides. Everyone and everything we need to be a team is transported, organized, and ready.
