Red Kite Crit #5 (E2/3)
In the photo: Robert Terra
Written by Robert.
On the first lap a two man break went immediately. At first they didn’t seem dangerous, but their gap quickly grew to 15 seconds and they started to look dangerous. At this point I asked Theo to chase and the break didn’t come back. I knew at that point that this break was going to get away so I decided I had to be in it. About 8 laps in I started to bridge the gap, and I was surprised at how strong I felt. When I joined them they were feeling ready to give up, so I took three long and hard pulls and they realized I wasn’t messing around then we started working well together.
We just communicated really well and our gap continued to grow. At 8 to go our gap was 45 seconds and I began thinking about my strategy for the sprint. At 3 to go I was worried someone was going to make a stupid move, thankfully nobody did. Then on the last lap Chris from Low Bicycles took his pull and went to the back, I took one last pull into the cross wind and tried to move to the back, but t was clear Chris wanted to be the last man in the group. Then Greg from Muscle Milk pulled all the way to the last corner and made the same mistake that I have made before - he went right after the second to last corner. Usually that move works if you catch people off guard, but I’ve made that move before and saw it coming. I let the gap go a little bit then made a jump to Chris’ wheel in an attempt to gap Greg. Once I was on Chris’ wheel I stayed there until 50 meters before the turn and then started my sprint. I went as hard as I could and beat Chris and Greg to the line by about 3 bike lengths.