Team Mike's Bikes powered by Equator Coffees

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Ride with TMB Development in 2019!

UPDATE:  Our second recruitment ride will be this Saturday November 17th at 10 AM - 2 PM from Mike's Bikes Sausalito - #1 Gate 6 Rd.

Sausalito, CA 94965

TLDR: Ready to join!? Want to know more? Just fill out this handy Google Form and we'll reach out to you regarding team details and upcoming recruitment rides.

Off-season vibes have barely started, and we're already searching for the TMB Dev class of 2019. Every season recruitment begins just a little earlier - at this point it's like running for a second term. But we get it - you're a pretty big deal and other teams are knocking down your door.  ;)

If you're looking for a new team to ride for next season, consider riding for Team Mike's Bikes p/b Equator's Development squad. We're on the hunt for riders of all levels: From Cat 2s (or 1s) all the way to 4s and 5s ready to start learning the ropes and working up the ranks, as well of riders who just want to have a good time riding bikes with friends, and occasionally dip their toes in the road racing scene.

Why ride for us? Because we continue to improve as a team and our riders continue to improve and do great in races as a result. In 2018, we won the P1/2 Cal Cup, won the Red Kite Cat 2/3 Omnium, won the Cat 3 BAT, and placed 7th as the Best All-round Team, in addition to notching countless podiums all season long. Most importantly, we did this by working as a team with respect for one another, our competitors, and the sport. The entire Mike's Bikes team has found success through teamwork and a big reason for this is that teammates became buds and we're willing to thrash ourselves for the greater good. Also, the kits are pretty sick. 

If you see a rider around wearing a Mikes Bikes kit, chances are he’s a team member to feel free to chat us up and learn more about what TMB Dev is all about and how you could be a part of it for next year!

Direct URL to the application can be found here: