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Red Kite Summer TT (P1/2)

Having invested a considerable amount of time on time trialing capabilities I decided to race the Tempus Fungit to see where I stacked against other time trialist. The course is a 11miler out & back with the out leg rolling slightly up. I was ready to try a different strategy and different gear this time around.

Warmed up with my usual TT specific routine, focused on staying calm and that today wasn’t about placing but executing as well as I could. Got to roll to the start while keeping my cool and being ready for what was coming next.
“Did I warm up enough, hear rate is already bottom low, maybe I didn’t do enough?” No, I wasn’t letting any negative thoughts creep up. Before I knew it, saw the official holding out his hand. On the out leg, I was rolling good and everything was sailing smoothly. I powered just enough for the rollers, stood up only once and finished that half of the course with pressure on the pedals. Turned around almost by reflex around the cone marking the halfway point. I didn’t feel stressed or that I was loosing time, after a relaxed turned I got back into my rhythm. Passing a couple riders was nice confirmation that things were playing out well. Payed attention to my position and rolled a heavy gear.
Stayed in the aerobars as much as I could but one turn kept getting sharper and I got on my basebar but resisted the reflex to pull the brakes. Kept staying focused and cool till I crossed the line.

Felt that things went well for me but nothing to write home about. I was confused when we shared “garmin times”. Maybe I ended it too soon?

When the official times came out with me winning the P1/2 category I was proud, still wondered which master rider would be faster than me and by how much. It was only when I realized that I had set the fastest time of the day that I knew my performance was a solid one with an official time of 24:50.