Team Mike's Bikes powered by Equator Coffees

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Red Kite Summer TT (E2/3)

This was my second time riding the mighty Red Kite Omnium Tempus Fugit Time Trial up and down Cull Canyon in the Elite 2/3 category. That is a long name to explain what needed to be done: go as fast as you can up the hill, turn back, and instead of recovering, go as fast as you can down the hill.

I had won the E2/3 on this course for the spring edition on my faithful Merckx with clip-on bars. This time however, amateur hour was over, and thanks to my friend Niall, I had a properly aero TT whip. I thus needed to up my game and propel this bike to the speed it craved for.

In terms of strategy, this being a TT, I was confident that I would be able to make the right decisions. I thus started, sprinted, pushed hard, pushed harder, passed some people, turned back, pushed hard, passed some people, pushed hard, grabbed my rear brake lever instead of my handlebars and almost crashed, kept going with a shaken confidence, pushed harder, and was done with it. 

End result: 25:19.31 and a win in the E2/3 category! Thumbs up to my teammate Michael Kurnik for his strong comeback to racing and his 3rd place.

I was pretty happy about that, especially since I was sitting at first place overall for a while until… my teammate Emile Goguely used his P1/2 superpowers and stole my throne (link to Emile’s report). It’s OK I am not mad (but I will get my revenge!!!)

Big thanks to our sponsors, Mike’s Bikes, Ecuator, Gu!