Team Mike's Bikes powered by Equator Coffees

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Red Kite Omnium Finale (P1/2)

Ghost written by Travis McEuen for Chris Craig (both in picture)


Travis M, Chris, Adam, and Arnaud


After some nice results and a few good weekends of racing fitness was solid


This race almost always has an early break go, riders later bridge and they lap the field. We were ready to have numbers in that break.

How it played out:

Just as we thought after a few laps I found myself up the road with Terun and Sunpower. Terun had the numbers and seemed motivated to work, Sunpower not so much as he actually said I am not working… Anyway after a few laps Travis made his way up, rad now its 2 TMB in the move! Unfortunately a lap later or so more riders bridged up making it an 8 man move and adding one more Terun and the other Sunpower dude… No more advantage. We worked well together, at least all the teams did. In hindsight we should have had Travis become a passenger and preserve him for the sprint.

Not really paying attention we ended up lapping with 5 or so laps to go. This ended up being our downfall, now Terun had us outnumbered, 6 vs 4 and the added chaos of mixing lapped riders with the front group made the last lap crazy. The plan was still to lead out Travis. He found me on the last lap and Adam punched it taking us roughly 1/3 of the way through the lap. I took over with Travis in tow but ended up losing him (get your S*** together bro), people that were lapped were trying to contest the sprint, I came around the final corner in great position but had two guys right on me. It’s a fairly long sprint and they were able to come around me at the end. I ended up 3rd and Travis 4th. Of course RKO does the BRODIUM so we got to take a flic for the IG but that race had our name all over it and we were bummed.


We couldn’t do it without all our awesome sponsors!

Equator Coffees fueling us for those morning training rides, Mikes Bikes for stocking EVERTHING you need in life, CAPO for making some super-fast skin suits (if only they helped with road rash…), GU products for keeping us from cramping and everyone else (WAGS and all)