Spring Classic Grand Prix #3
Spring Classic Grand Prix #3 Ontario, CA
Women's 3, raced with P1/2/3/4 and picked separately
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Kim Ford
1.2 mile business park loop. A few sharp turns with a long, straight, slightly uphill finish.
I was really hoping for a win and chasing those elusive upgrade points.
Assess the field, identify stronger riders and sit on their wheels until I get comfortable with how things go down in sunny SoCal.
Whenever I race in a combined field, I don't worry much about who's who, I just race like we're all one field. There were about 30 riders and 3 teams with 3 or more riders. The team I was super impressed with was the U23 team from Jet Cycling. I think they had 3 girls and they all displayed great bike handling skills and teamwork. I knew they'd be the ones to beat.
On lap 2, two riders broke away for a bit, I chased (it helped me warm up as I'd arrived a little late), caught them, bringing the field with me. There were a couple other attempts, with one break of three riders finally getting away and staying away for the remainder of the race. Honestly, not even sure when that happened. I must have been napping. I group wasn't that strong and I should have been able to go with anyone in the peloton. Live and learn.
Essentially, two of the three off the front were P1/2s, so it came down to a field sprint for second place in the 3s. I may have managed a place or two higher in the sprint, but a 1/2 who finished ahead of me slowed quickly after crossing the line, so I had to ease up a bit before crossing. Not sure it was worth the price of air travel with my bike, but it is fun to race in a new place with all new faces. And it's kinda fun being the new girl. Definitely getting checked out at the start line.
One of the Jet Cycling girls won, so after the race I introduced myself and complimented them on their racing and their program. They were gracious winners and appreciative of my praise. Great young girls to have entering our sport.
Pay attention!!!!!! There was no reason I should not have been in that break. Learn to identify a real effort at a break and not just the little flyers.