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Top Sport Stage Race


 Topsport Stage Race


Women P 1/2


 Saturday April 5th and Sunday April 6th, 2014


 Ivy Wang

* Stage 1 (Woodward Reservoir Road Race) - 57 miles / 6 laps X 9.5
mile loop around Woodward Reservoir; course is flat to rolling
* Stage 2 (Rock Creek TT) - 10 mile out and back loop on rolling terrain
* Stage 3 (Copper Town Circuit Race ) - 75 minutes / 5.5 mile loop;
course is a combination crit/circuit race course with excellent
pavement and some small cobble sections in town


 lanterne rouge in TT and podium in CR

* Stage 1 - 60/70s with 15+mph wind
* Stage 2 & 3 - 70s and less windy

* Solo mission

* Field was comprised of 4 Metromints, 4 Threshold Sports (technically
3 plus Kaytie from UT who was working with them), plus 4 mixed; thus,
my goal/plan was try to get in some moves and not get stuck in the
cross-fire between the two big teams

* Stage 1 (RR) - Siri and I had a pleasant drive to Oakdale.  After
quick pleasantries in the peloton, the action in the RR started up
right away (one rider got shelled in the first set of rollers).  (By
the way, I got new pedals this week and managed to take off a chunk of
skin on my calf lining up and then had a panicked clip-in after the
whistle).  I tried getting in a few moves, but nothing stuck.  After a
few laps, everyone seemed done with trying to tear off each others'
legs and were saving up for a field sprint and/or Sunday's stages.   At <2K to go, Danielle's
(Folsom) pedal came off, which was very unfortunate for her as she was
looking strong.  Jeanette (Threshold Sports), after having a jammed
derailleur, made the winning leadout move and I was caught asleep at
the wheel and didn't jump on.  I rolled in for 5th; the top 7 all got
the same time.  I cool-downed and then chugged Osmo Recovery in
preparation for Sunday.

* Stage 2 (TT) - Let's just say I sharpened my butter knife for this gunfight.

* Stage 3 (CR) - The circuit race action started quickly as well.  A
dangerous break soon formed (i.e., both big teams represented).  I
decided to solo bridge, taking along Heather (Threshold Sports)
for a free ride.  That did not make the pack happy, and they chased us
down.  In hindsight, that move burned a lot of matches.  A lap later,
a break of 3/4 with a similar cast of characters formed again.  With
both big teams represented, it was left up to the
non-Metromint/Threshold Sports (i.e., Marissa (Velo Sports), Kim, and
me) to chase.  To add to our challenge, the ~6 others in the pack kept
disrupting/blocking our organization.  We chased for a couple of laps,
but the break was gone.  For the field sprint for 4th, there was a lot
of jockeying.  I wasn't in great position and just tried to stay out
of trouble.  Finished with the pack; didn't wait around for GC

* Stage racing is interesting with only 1 jersey (a great Capo one though!)
* Always be cognizant of every rider's strategic motivations, and be
assertive to (try to) execute your own plan - it's not personal, it's