Suisun Crit (E3)

Suisun Podium.jpg

In the photo: Travis Mceuen

Written by Travis

This was my last race as a Cat 3 and was hungry for the win. Suisun is a very fast/short 4 corner crit. Laps are around 50 seconds and usually have winds to battle being right on the water. We came to the race with 5 guys: Taylor, Ben, Justin, Cam and myself. The plan was to race aggressive, try for a break but if it stayed together have Justin lead me out as long as he could on the final lap.

The second lap I was off the front with a guy from Chico and we worked well together for a few laps but of course, that was too early and we were caught and as soon as we were Ben, performed his signature counter attack. It seemed like he and I did this at least 3 times with every move only lasting 5 minutes or so. It didn’t seem likely the field was going to let a move get away.

With 5 to go, I was hovering around the front ready to go with anyone’s late attack which didn’t really happen. Ben hit the front with 3 to-go and took a huge pull that honestly almost shelled me! We settled with 2 to go where a guy I had been in a break with earlier making an attack so I follow and stay right on his wheel, he gave up after about half a lap, I was not going to come around and pull. I knew Justin was close since I saw him move towards the front with 3 to go. Right before we crossed the line on the final lap I see Justin get to the front and I naturally follow right behind him and tell him to hit it. Screaming at him to go around the first and second corner he took me as long as he could on the back stretch. I was yelling to try and motivate him but could see he was fading. I couldn’t chance it so I hit the gas before turn 3 and come out of the final corner first wheel. It’s a long sprint from the corner but that was my move and I gave it all I had. Apparently, a Limitless rider followed my move into corners 3 and 4 and was right on me out of the last corner. He ended up coming around me with about 10 meters to the line.

Such a fun and aggressive race. It was awesome to race with my TMBDev teammates and have one last solid Balderston leadout. As always shout out to our great sponsors: Mike’s Bikes, Equator Coffee, Capo Cycling, Toyota Cycling and Gu energy for keeping me fueled in the race.

On-board video: