Lets first start off with my first impressions.
"I'm here to see Trevor for a bike fit." "Trevor, your fit is here." Trevor stand s up from his loft office and heads down the stairs, immediately greeting me with a smile. I meet him at the bottom of the stairs and as he stands there a towering over me I cannot help but think, "is he standing on the stairs still?" Turns out he used to be a pitcher in college.
Anyways, back to the subject at hand. Trevor spent a significant portion of the bike fit looking at how my body worked. That is, he looked at flexibility, imbalances, and length discrepancies prior to getting me on the bike. Once on the bike, he systematically went through every detail to ensure I could put out maximal power and also ensured that I wouldn't find myself getting injured to a poor bike fit.
At $225 ($175 with purchase of a new bike) for a 4hr assessment + follow up, it is well worth it even if it's just for the peace of mind knowing that you will not get injured due to a poor bike fit. Did I also mention that a proper bike fit = more power output?
Bottom-line, if you have ever found yourself aching in your knees, hips, back, or shoulders, you it's absolutely necessary to go see Trevor at MB for a BG bike fit.