
2013 Tour de Nez

Teammate Brandon Trafton would be my only teammate for the day. At the San Rafael Twilight the night before he soloed for 25% of the race and still had enough energy to lead out and send teammate Dana Williams into the final straight for the sprint finish. He's flying, I was pretty stoked. The race started fast with a first lap prime and immediately after Trafton is off the front with Johnathan Teeter (Marc-Pro Strava). Teeter just recently finished second place at the NRC Cascade Cycling Classic Time Trial and is the race favorite for the day.

The peloton chased hard after them for forty-five minutes, notably the entire Predator Cycling team, fresh from their win over crit-powerhouse UHC at Pairie State Cycling series, and Max Jenkins (Kenda Pro Cycling - 5-Hour Energy).

Justin Rossi (Marc-Pro/Strava) and I went ultimate passive aggressive blocking mode, clogging up lines in the turns and pretending to pull while Trafton and Teeter rode super humanly and maintained their thirty-five second lead.

Eventually the chase cracked and Rossi and I made the bridge up to Trafton and Teeter. All four of us traded pulls working together (photo credit: Steve Ellsworth),  maybe only thirty seconds from lapping the field, until about four laps to go when Rossi and Teeter started to light things up and trade attacks, not wanting it to come down to a sprint.

We rode really well during this time, going all out to match Teeter's and Rossi's accelerations knowing that if we gave either of them any space they would just time trial away from us.

Coming into the last lap Rossi launched an attack that I chased. It gapped us pretty far from Teeter and Trafton. I sat behind Rossi, waiting for sprint distance to the finish line or for Trafton to catch up so I could lead him out, whichever came first. Trafton opted to play it safe and sit on Teeter rather than risk leading out Teeter in his chase up to me, which was a tremendous sacrifice on his part and ultimately gave me the win.

I had been cornering really well all day, so with the final corner in sight I jumped as hard as I could into it and came out with a decent gap that I carried to the finish line for the win. Trafton did the same thing behind me and came in for third.

Quick final note: Reno was incredibly hot and incredibly dry. Most of the race I had globs of dry spit accumulating on my lips and my throat being torn to bits from sucking down mouthfuls of dry air. I've had to take people's word that OSMO is the best drink mix for endurance athletes because I know absolutely nothing about life sciences, but today was the first time I was able to physically feel just how powerful this drink mix is. I am speechless as to how much better and how much easier the pedal strokes came after each drink of it.

2013 Elite National Road Race Championship

By Roman Kilun The Elite National Road Race was held in a beautiful wooded and hilly park in the farm lands of Wisconsin with the finish atop the tallest point in the state. The race was a relatively short 140k of 6 laps, but the hills and the heat would make for a tough selective day. The first few laps where rather odd and not particularly memorable. The only breakaway of note was teammate Eric Riggs who was solo for the first portion of the first lap. Throughout the first half of the race Team Mike's Bikes p/b Incase stayed attentive and focused on hydrating with Osmo.

In the middle of the third lap there was a big split in the field over a steep kicker. Shawn and I were slightly caught out and he did a great job closing the gap. At that point I knew that the next ascent of the main climb would be decisive. Therefore I put myself in the best possible position and prepared to suffer. As expected the strong guys made there move and group of five split clear of the shattering field. I was close to making it but got caught in traffic and was not on the wheels of the escape. Luckily, I was in good company as Leece, Santos and one other rider were making a desperate effort to bridge over the top.

On the descent we joined forces and made a mad drive to get across. Once across the group was eight and we had to work. The gap slowly stretched out to a 1:30 over the 4th lap. On the 5th lap Cole House somehow bridged with another rider. It's never good to add riders to a breakaway yet it was nice to have the additional horsepower as the wind continued to kick up.

The breakaway started the final lap with a 1:50 lead and continued to work smoothly until the midway point where Cole House threw down a blistering attack. Only the Elbowz rider followed the wheel but I was able to work with Leece to get across without much drama. This gave me some confidence for the finish as the other riders appeared to be struggling. The remainder of the lap was uneventful as we sized each other up and prepared for the climb to the finish which included an extra 1 kilometer pitch from the normal circuit. Up to this point I was perfectly confident and was dreaming of a podium spot. However, as we started to climb I felt the twitches of a cramp in my quads and knew I had to be very careful. Often, I can prevent a full on cramp by avoiding any sharp accelerations.

Things were going according to plan until Leece attacked mid way up the climb. Surprisingly there was not much reaction but the pace went up significantly. The group started to shatter under the pressure and it was every man for himself to the finish line, which I crossed in 8th place. I would have loved to do better but it is a result that I am very proud of and have no regrets of how I rode the race. My equipment was perfect and the support of Team Mike's Bikes p/b Incase is more than I could ask for.

Tomorrow we will try again in the crit. #MBFY

Grasshopper #2 - Chileno Valley: Matt's Take

EVENT:Grasshopper #2 Chileno Valley


DATE: 2/16/12

AUTHOR: Matt Adams

TEAMMATES: Steve O'Mara (Elite Team) Andy Goessling (Elite Team) Daniel Holloway (Elite Team) Rainier Schaefer Elite Team) Chris Hobbs (on loan to TQE)

FIELD SIZE: Hundreds - here's the first wave taken from 50 deep from the start line

COURSE: 80 miles.  Starting in downtown Occidental, we immediately hit the first of two tough climbs that would bring us to the coast.  After a fast, bumpy descent, we headed south on Hwy 1, thru Tomales and down to Marshall.  From there, we went up the wall, blazed thru Hicks Valley to Wilson Hill, got an OSMO handup at the top, then down to Chileno Valley Rd.  After the CV run, we continued to wind our way west and north to the bottom of Joy rd where it turns out, there isn't any.  With a steep nasty start, the climb eased up an eventually finished.

Click here to view the pain via Strava

THE PLAN: Hang with the lead group as long as possible.  With two good climbs coming in the 1st 5 miles, withstanding the initial punch would be crucial.  If I could hang until the coast, I would try to sit in as much as possible and last as long as I could.  If I got dropped, then I'd ease up and wait for the next group to roll with and try to finish strong from that group.

RACE SUMMARY: After a good warm up with O'Mara and Hobbs up Bittner, I was as prepared as I've ever been before a race.  I found O'Mara at the start and squeezed in, there was no way in hell I was starting at the back of a 200+ field at the bottom of a climb.  At the gun we rolled to the bottom of Coleman Valley and it started.  The pace was fast but manageable and I was able to stay about 30 wheels back.  It was pretty brutal to go this hard so immediately.  I averaged 413 watts for over 5 min up the 1.1 mile 7.7% climb.  Strava showed my VAM at 1549, a new record for me.  Kris Lunning got the KOM and was only 9 sec faster than me.  At this point I would have liked to recover a bit but it got fast and started to string out.  At some point, I heard Hobbs yell "here we go again" and we hit a right turn and starting going up again.  The second climb was similar to the first but I started to fade.  There were probably 50 people in front of me at the top and I was about 100 meters off the back.  And then my knight in shining armor came to my rescue.  Daniel Holloway (yes, the dude with stars and stripes on his sleeve) slowed up for me and yelled to get on his wheel.  I gave it my all over the rollers but we only managed to cut the gap in half.  I was at the limit and cross-eyed and we'd only been racing for 20 min.  My second lucky moment came when a herd of sheep crossed the road in front of the lead group and gave me a chance to get back on.  My sissy descending skills then reared their ugly head and I promptly went to the back on the descent down to Hwy 1, where the bad luck hit.  I was only 20 meters back from the guys in front of me but they made the left onto Hwy 1 and I was held up by the moto due to a car coming.  So the chase was on and my knight in stars and striped dragged my ass back.  From there it was quite a gentlemenly cruise down Hwy 1.  I was stoked to still be with the lead group with 3 guys off the front (Lunning, Teeter, and a BikeMonkey guy).   The 4 elite team guys all made the group as well and at some point Hobbs dragged the second group up to us.  There probably about 75 guys at that point.

As we rolled towards Marshall, I took comfort that I knew the next two climbs well but I was still reeling from the initial effort.  We made the left at the bottom of the Marshall Wall and up we went.  The first half of climb is a series of steep "steps" and I hung ok on those, the second half of the climb is where Holloway became my coach.  As the group shrank behind me, it strung out in front of me and I found myself on Fast Freddie's wheel.  I though "Hot Damn, look at me!"  Holloway kept yelling "Come on, grab that wheel" and "Don't lose that f@*king wheel".  The climb lasted 11 minutes and I averaged 363 watts.  I crested the top about 20 meters off the guy in front and had about 4 on my wheel.  Again Holloway hung back and bridged us up as we rolled across the flat section at the top.  After the descent, we rolled comfortably thru Hicks Valley.  The group was down to about 25 and still had all the TMB elite guys.  The pace occasionally ramped up but there was no concerted effort to chase the 3 guys off the front.  Everyone seemed to desire some recovery before Wilson Hill, a short, steep, MF'er of a climb.  Wilson was the easiest of the day but still tough.  OSMO was at the top handing out bottles but with not enough volunteers it was a shit show.  I was polite and let everyone else get a bottle first (AKA I was last to the top and waited my turn) but apparently Freddie decided to attack over the top and strung out the group.  Again my descending skills killed me, even though I hit 47 mph, and I hit the bottom with no one in sight and a Chica Sexy guy on my wheel.  We chased hard, made the left onto Chileno Valley Rd and chased some more.  At the turn the group was in sight and apparently had decided to let FF and one other guy go, which allowed me and Chica Sexy dude to get back on.  We rolled quickly through the valley.

From here the miles ticked by and we rolled comfortably with only a small climb on Middle Rd.  I had no idea what to expect on Joy Rd but at this point I had survived most of the ride and was with the lead group (minus the 5 guys off the front) and totally stoked.  I was racing with 4 guys from the Elite team, a couple of Chicken Ride dudes, and a bunch of other kids.  I was yelling FY in my head!  And then the highlight of the day came.  I knew there wasn't much left of the race except to get to the bottom of Joy Rd and let O'Mara do his thing.  So I asked Andy G what the plan was.  He conferred with rest of the guys and rolled up to me and said "let's go to the front and set some tempo".  I was pumped, I had nothing left in my legs but was mixing it up with the P/1/2 guys and actually contributing.  Andy and I traded off a couple pulls and then Daniel came to front.  Holy Shit!  We were doing 27 mph with 75+ miles and 7000 ft of climbing in our legs.  It was all I could do to hang on his wheel but there was no way I was breaking up the TMB train.  We hit Joy Rd, I saw the wall ahead and did my best Cav/Cippo impression and pulled over to let the group go.  I limped up the climb with Daniel and we finished last in the group and 30th overall.  I think O'Mara took 4th out of our group and ended around 10th.  All in all it was spectacular.  What an amazing day full of pain and suffering!

RESULTS and STATS: 30th Place 80 Miles 7700 Ft of Climbing 20.8 Avg Speed 277 Norm Power Confidence that I can hang in the 35+ 1/2/3 field

TMB 2013 Race Calendar

Welcome to the 2013 race season.  It's been a very busy off season with a lot of team development activities to build the emotional and positive intelligence of the team which is integral to a successful 2013 season.   We have also been busy with working with our sponsors in order to equip the team with the best equipment and nutrition in the peloton.    Special thanks to our sponsors Mike's Bikes, Incase, Specialized, Sram, Zipp, Osmo, Garmin, Clif Bar, Smith, Bar Fly, Bike Smart, City Park, and GoPro.  The team is ready and poised for a fun filled season. Team Mike's Bikes is tackling a more challenging 2013 race program.  We will focus our Norcal efforts into winning the Bike Reg Premier Series team and individual classification.   Also, we will be placing a strong emphasis with NRC/NCC level racing to give our young riders the opportunity to compete against the best US professional teams.

Please join us at the races.   We will be setting up Camp Mikes for most of the Premier series races.   Looks for the Mike's Bikes tent and stop by and say hello.    Thank You!


  1. 2/23 - Snelling Road Race (Premier Series)  http://www.velopromo.com
  2. 2/24 - Old Merced Criterium http://www.velopromo.com
  3. 2/28 - Merco Cycling Classic Stage Race  http://www.topsportcycling.com/events/merco-cycling-classic/


  1. 3/1-3 - Merco Cycling Classic Stage Race  http://www.topsportcycling.com/events/merco-cycling-classic/
  2. 3/8-10 Madera Stage Race (Premier Series)  http://www.velopromo.com
  3. 3/22-24  San Dimas Stage Race http://www.sdsr.info/joomla/race-details
  4. 3/30 Copperopolis Road Race http://www.velopromo.com


  1. 4/3-7  Redlands Bicycle Classic (NRC Event) http://www.redlandsclassic.com
  2. 4/13 Santa Cruz Classic (Premier Series) http://www.velopromo.com
  3. 4/13-14 Chico Stage Race http://www.chicostagerace.com
  4. 4/18-21  Sea Otter Classic Stage Race (Premier Series)
  5. 4/27  Wente Road Race (Premier Series) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  6. 4/28  Wente Criterium


  1. 5/4  Mike's Bikes Cat's Hill Classic  (Premier Series) http://www.catshill.org
  2. 5/5  Dana Point Grandprix (NCC) http://www.danapointgrandprix.com/dpgp-may6-2012/
  3. 5/12 Berkeley Hills Road Race (Premiere) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  4. 5/26 Mt. Hamilton Road Race (Premiere) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  5. 5/27 Memorial Day Criterium http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  1. 6/1  Dunlap Time Trial (Premier) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  2. 6/2  Pescadero Coastal Classic  (Premier) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  3. 6/16 Nevada City Classic (Premier) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  4. 6/20 - 30  Tour of Dairylands  (NCC) http://www.tourofamericasdairyland.com
  5. 6/23 Burlingame Criterium
  6. 6/30 Lodi Cyclefest Criterium (Premier) http://www.deltavelo.com/lodi_cyclefest/
  1. 7/4 Fourth of July Criterium (Premier) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  2. 7/4-7  US Elite & U23 Nationals (Madison, Wisconsin)
  3. 7/16-21  Cascade Cycling Classic (NRC) Bend, Oregon http://www.cascade-classic.org
  4. 7/27 San Rafael Twilight
  5. 7/28 Menlo Park Grand Prix (Premier) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  1. 8/4 Patterson Pass Road Race (Cal Cup)
  2. 8/10 Dunnigan Hills Road Race (Cal Cup)
  3. 8/11 Suisun Criterium (Cal Cup)
  4. 8/17 San Ardo Road Race (Cal Cup)
  5. 8/18 University Road Race (Cal Cup & Premier)
  6. 8/24 Winters Road Race (Cal Cup & Premier)
  7. 8/25 Vacaville Grand Prix (Cal Cup)
  8. 8/31 Challenge Road Race (Cal Cup)
  1. 9/2  Giro di San Francisco (Cal Cup & Premier) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  2. 9/14 51st Mt. Tam Hill Climb (Premier)  http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  3. 9/22 Oakland Grand Prix (Premier) http://www.ncnca.org/ncncaseries/bikeregcom-premier-series-2013
  1. 10/2-6  US Elite & U23 Track Nationals


How well did Team Mike's Bikes do this 2012 season?

It goes without saying that Team Mike's Bikes had a phenomenal 2012 road racing season, but how exactly did we do? TMB had a squad of 20 racers ranging from age 19 to 40 racing from the San Bruno Hill Climb on January 1st to Henleyville Road Race on September 30th. That's nine months of racing up to sometimes four times in a weekend. Our boys traveled not just within the confines of the Norther California Nevada district borders but to San Dimas, Oregon, Wisconsin, Atlanta, British Columbia, and even across the ocean to Belgium. We upgraded several riders from Category 3 to Category 2 to Category 1.

We had an astonishing

43 1st place results

27 2nd place results

18 3rd place results

That's 88 Podiums and a total of 194 Top 10 results.

Northern California /Nevada Cycling Association 2012 BikeReg.com Premier Series The 2012 NCNCA BikeReg.com Premier Series is a group of 20 races that represent some of the best races in the Northern California/Nevada racing district. The Premier Series includes eight criteriums, ten road races and two time trials.

Out of 30 Teams Total, we placed 1st in the Team Premier series just beating out Marc Pro - Strava with our podium sweep at the final race of the series, the Giro di SF.

Team Points - Category 1/2 Men
Place Team Total Points
1 Team Mike's Bikes 346
2 Marc Pro - Strava 328
3 California Giant/Specialized 227
Out of 30 Teams Total

Out of 77 individual Category 1/2 Men in the Premier series, we had 4 riders in the top 5.

Category 1/2 Men
Place Lic # First Name Last Name Team
1 54686 Charles Hutcheson Marc Pro - Strava
2 210604 Tyler Brandt Team Mike's Bikes
3 295988 Dana Williams Team Mike's Bikes
4 191302 Eric Riggs Team Mike's Bikes
5 221376 James LaBerge Team Mike's Bikes
6 276108 Keith Hillier Marc Pro - Strava
7 234584 Joshua Carling Michael David Winery Cycling Team
8 249743 Chris Stastny California Giant/Specialized
9 182990 Rand Miller California Giant/Specialized
10 304249 Rainier Schaefer Team Mike's Bikes
Out of 77 Racers Total

2012 NCNCA Points Series To encourage teamwork and competitiveness by recognizing both the leaders of the Individual Points Competition and Team Points Competition in each designated category and the overall Team Points Competition by combining all results from eligible events.

Out of 35 Elite 1/2 Teams, we placed 1st overall in the 2012 NCNCA Team Category Points series.

Elite 1/2 Team Points
Place Team Total Points
1 Team Mike's Bikes 1426
2 Marc Pro - Strava 1108
3 California Giant/Specialized 806
Out of 35 Teams Total

Out of 253 racers in the Individual Men's Elite 1/2 Category Points, we had 3 riders in the top 5 and and 5 riders in the top 10 standings.

Elite 1/2 Points
Place License # First Name Last Name Team Points
1 54686 Charles Hutcheson Marc Pro - Strava 692
2 210604 Tyler Brandt Team Mike's Bikes 206
3 221376 James LaBerge Team Mike's Bikes 191
4 295988 Dana Williams Team Mike's Bikes 181
5 234584 Joshua Carling Michael David Winery Cycling Team 178
6 191302 Eric Riggs Team Mike's Bikes 169
7 182990 Rand Miller California Giant Berry Farms/Specialized 166
8 256481 James Wingert Team Mike's Bikes 159
9 304249 Rainier Schaefer Team Mike's Bikes 156
10 249743 Chris Stastny California Giant Berry Farms/Specialized 155
Out of 253 Racers Total


Out of 50 racers, we had 4 riders in the top 10.

Cat 1/2/PRO
Place Lic # First Name Last Name Team
1 298550 Justin Rossi Marc Pro - Strava
2 195652 Max Jenkins Competitive Cyclist
2 263055 Torey Philipp California Giant Berry Farms/Specialized
4 204739 Jesse Moore California Giant Berry Farms/Specialized
5 282569 Stephen Leece California Giant/Specialized
6 295988 Dana Williams Team Mike's Bikes
6 266467 Kurt Wolfgang SquadraSF
8 210604 Tyler Brandt Team Mike's Bikes
8 191302 Eric Riggs Team Mike's Bikes
10 332190 Christopher HarlandDunaway Davis Bike Club
10 241392 Stephen O'Mara Team Mike's Bikes

Cycles Gladiator Uninhibited Racer Award For the 2012 road racing season, Cycles Gladiator Wine is teaming up with the Health is Wealth Racing Team to proudly present the Fifth Annual 'Uninhibited Racer Award' for the most aggressive racer in each category in participating criteriums in the California region. Throughout the 2012 season, we received 6 total Uninhibited Racer Awards.

Elite Pro/1/2 Recipients
 John Piasta  Folsom Cyclebration Crit
 Dana Williams  Berkeley Bicycle Club
 Tyler Brandt  Suisun Harbor Criterium
Elite 3 Recipients
 Ryan Johnson  Folsom Cyclebration Crit
 Henry Sholtz  Folsom Cyclebration Circuit Race
Elite 4 Recipients
Taylor Cody  Cherry Pie Crit.

Cycles Gladiator Boneshaker Top Sprinter Award As a Cat 3 rider, Ryan Johnson was able to accrue  enough points to hold the title of the Elite 3 Boneshaker Top Sprinter Award.

Elite 3 Leaders
Winner 13pts Ryan Johnson

NCNCA Hill Climb Championships

By Steve O’Mara For years, the NCNCA Hill Climb Championships has taken place at the Everest Challenge Stage Race. And no one has had a shot at beating Nate English. He’s just that good. This year the district officials moved the championships to The King and Queen of Kingsbury Climb at Lake Tahoe. And Nate didn’t come. Boom. Wide open.


To get properly prepped to tear it up in a bike race, where do you stay? South Shore, obviously. After a not too intense night, I got up, activated, and hit the motel coffee hard. Then I headed to the race. The best thing about TT’s, especially with smaller fields split into waves? No bathroom lines. That combined with another perk, minimal time reg’ing meant I actually had time to get in a full warm up on my trainer. Uncharted territory. Things were going so smoothly, I almost started to worry.

The race course took us up 2550 feet in 7.9 miles, finishing at Daggett Summit. Basically all up. Riders went off in 30 second intervals. I hit it hard and took the win.

Serious Training at BC Superweek

We thought our adoring fans would like to know the secret to Team Mike's Bikes riders' glorious physiques...Here's a few videos from the team's top secret cross training regimen during the season. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZTsP9qyxzs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE6r1MtEStQ&feature=channel&list=UL




Col du Tourmalet - Vacation Report From Steve Pelaez

Steve is climbing legendary mountains, dodging livestock and having a great time. Check out his report and video- Here's my incredible descent of the Tourmalet. I descended in the direction of this year’s TDF'12 climb. It's a really nice fast open descent, but I had some obstacles that I didn't really anticipate since I've never seen these encounters during the tour. It's an incredible experience and I'm fortunate to ride away from the experience in one piece. My grandma was Lourdes during the day praying for my safe return since I left around dawn. I'm glad HE was on my corner during the descent. Good things happen in 3s too.

I hope you enjoy it. It’s long but there's a lot to see.

Col du Tourmalet Descent to Luz St. Sauver from Steve Pelaez on Vimeo.

PS. I'm in Barcelona right now, and it simply is the best city I've seen during this European visit. Breath taking in its beauty, both the sites and the people altogether.

2012 Pescadero Road Race

[gallery] With many members of the team spread out at Elite/U23 Nationals and the neighboring Apple Pie Criterium, Jim Wingert and I were the only two Mike's Bikes riders to hit the start line of another classic NorCal road race, the Pescadero Coastal Classic. The race's beautiful, challenging course, as well as it's proximity to home, makes it one of my favorite road races of the year. It also features two pretty significant descents, which is great for me and my Tarmac SL4 to shred some corners on. I also won it one year way back when, huh, just remembered that!

Unlike years past, the race started under sunny skies and pleasant temperatures, with nary a fog bank to be seen. Our basic plan was for me to get into the early break, allowing Jim to stay in the field and conserve energy until his final lap assault on the finish. I covered some moves right from the gun, and got myself the first sprint prime which comes just a few minutes into the race. Jonathan Teeter (Marc Pro) and I built up a pretty nice lead over Stage Rd, but I promptly dropped him the second the road tipped downhill (oops) and set off alone.

My chances of staying away solo on the windy flatter part of the course we basically nil so I set a nice tempo over the remainder of Stage Rd until the pack caught me about halfway into the lap. Attacks were flying with Jim right up there, but nothing staying away. I rested a bit, then followed a move with Roman K (Kenda) and James Oram (Bontrager LS). I was pretty happy to be trading pulls with them leading up to the finishing climb, but they gapped me and I was eventually reabsorbed. Jim again countered over the top, drawing out Nate English, Kirk Carlsen, and others. I chilled at the back of my chasing group for a lap til we caught the leaders again.

Typically the tough yet beautiful scenery  is enough to keep me entertained and engaged at this race, but this year's edition threw a little extra crazy into the mix. On the third lap, the P/1/2 field caught the 4's field (I think) on the Stage Rd descent, causing some mayhem for everyone involved, especially me, as happened to be trying to get back to the front after getting dropped. Yelling "OUTSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE INSIDE" going 30mph around corners is always fun. I made it back, but we were still interspersed with the 4s field, who were on their finishing lap. The referee ended up neutralizing us up Haskin's Hill to let them finish in peace, which I was totally OK with. Things got a bit more loco descending off Haskin's, as we watched a poor woman stack it hard off the road because our moto told her we were coming past. In his surprise at seeing this woman crash, the moto missed a corner and crashed as well. Two ~40mph crashes within 5 sec? Yeah I'm just gonna keep riding. And what would Pesky be without some light to heavy rear brake lock-up fishtailing? That happened too. Good times. Michael Jasinski of Pistachios succinctly described it as "riding through a vortex."

On the last lap, just as I was preparing myself for the final climb, the race was neutralized in the feed zone with 5k to go due to more crashes on the descent. I have to stop pedaling and then restart basically sprinting then climbing all out? Ugh. Jim put in a good climb for 9th, while I rode in for 15th.

Considering how I was either at the front or chasing back on for most of the race, I can say I'm happy with my form. Excited for BC Superweek in a few weeks time!

Huge kudos to our boss man Matt Adams for winning the Masters 4's race! Col du Pantoll is payin off baby!

It was also cool to see some unfamiliar faces wearing Mike's Bikes kits, I'm stoked the team's successes are encouraging others to get out there and race!


2012 Mount Hamilton District Road Championship - An Instant Classic

After 63 grueling race miles with over 5K feet of climbing, the race came down to a bike throw. In that moment, it became an instant classic between two close friends, now on rival teams vying for the title Best Norcal Team. But before it came down to the bike throw, the race was brilliantly ridden by Shawn Rosenthal who threw caution to the wind on Mt Hamilton's hairy descent. He built a lead of 2 minutes and was riding away with the race until the dreaded cramps sneaked up on him. Painfully, he marshaled on and rallied the troops.

Here's the race video and a glimpse of how I motivate my riders (@ the end).


Below is Tyler Brandt's race report:

Mount Hamilton is one of my favorite races on the calendar, a close second to the Nevada City Classic, but it has not been kind to me for many years. Mount Hamilton was my first race in the Category 3’s in 2006 I believe. I was still a Junior on the amazing Team Swift program and I made it over the climb in the front group and then cracked around mile-40 on the big roller climb, when out of no-where a dropped rider from the 1/ 2 race (Mack Chew) pushed me back into the lead group and I stayed with them to finish in the top 15. A year later I placed 4th in the Cat 3’s at which point I was still a great climber, I thought, and I absolutely loved the race.

The next year I was still a junior, but I was racing in the 1/ 2’s now and it was a rude awakening. I was no longer a climber, not in this category. For the next three years I toiled off the back, suffering a lot on the climb and never making anything near the front group. Last year was particularly disappointing when I got dropped with Rand Miller and barely beat him for something around last place with a silly bike throw.

After working particularly hard this winter and losing some of my baby fat, I was certain that this year would be different. It was also helpful that Mount Hamilton aligned with U.S. Pro Nationals, giving us local racers a moment of respite from the climbing prowess of local strongman Nate English. On the surface, it appeared to be a pretty even battle of teams at the race and I was confident in our leader for the day, Shawn Rosenthal, after we had gone for the pre-race ride the day before and he had smashed my face in with his “openers”

Alas, the race started and we began to roll up the hill. I didn’t get much of a warm-up in, mostly just focused on using the bathroom a few times to make sure I was as light as possible. Right away I knew I felt good, but I was still a bit worried. Shawn needed me for the last part of the climb and I wanted to make sure that I would be around for the fireworks show that I was sure the Cal-Giant Climbers were going to put on. The miles ticked by and I started to feel better and better, there were a few attacks, but nothing really put me in difficulty. Near the top Huffman finally put in a big dig on the front, but I wasn’t too worried about it because I knew that with my descending skills, at this point on the climb, I would be able to easily catch back on.

I finished the descent near the front, but was not yet aware that my teammate Shawn Rosenthal was up the road, after bravely and safely handling his bike down a hairy descent. I followed a little attack from Chuck Hutcheson on the next roller and when I began to pull through, Jim Wingert yelled at me.

My day suddenly became absolutely amazing, not only had I survived the climb, but my teammate now had a 2-minute gap on the field ala Paul Mach status 2009. Even more gratifying was that I knew Shawn was on amazing form and that it would take a very organized and complete chase to bring him back now. The tactics were beautiful. While Team Mike’s Bikes had initially been disadvantaged by not having the strongest climbers in the race, the pendulum had suddenly shifted and we were in complete control. To top it off we had the fastest man (boy?) in NorCal still in the lead group, our own little pocket rocket James Laberge. The wonderful thing about bike racing is that it isn’t just a lab test based on pure power to weight strength; it’s the complete contest, a measure of strength, ability (being able to handle one’s bike) and brains. And a smart team can win even when they don’t have the strongest rider in the race.

After an impressive chase by Cal-Giant and Marc-Pro Strava, Shawn was reeled back in with about 5ish miles to go. My teammate John Piasta immediately put everyone back on the defensive and countered Shawn’s move. The next 3 miles were a constant flow of attacks and I tried to stay in the midst of everything at the front while still leaving a bit for the sprint. We hit the final descent and Team Mike’s Bikes controlled the front, with at least 7 guys leading us down. At the bottom I saw our advantage and yelled to my teammates to hit it. It was wonderful display of selfless riding while Rainier Schaefer, and Matt McKinzie hit the lead-out first. Then Shawn Rosenthal, after riding all day on the front still sacrificed everything and anything he had left to help the lead-out. We passed the 1k to go sign and the big engine Jim Wingert took over and then Eric Riggs took us to 250 meters to go and at this point Sam Bassetti attacked our train on the right side and then Chris Stastny came flying by even quicker on my left. I was still confident in our sprinter James Laberge and I knew we couldn’t lose this race after how hard everyone had worked for this moment. I hit it hard and figured that around 100 meters to go he would come blasting past me. I stayed on top of the 11 tooth, probably too big of a gear, I could sense James wasn’t coming and Chris had a good gap on me. I put my head down and gave it everything I had, I wanted to win bad. With about 30 meters to go I saw Staz start to put his hands up, but I kept digging and threw an absolute prayer of a bike throw. At that moment I was pretty sure that I had pipped him and in the process I almost crashed him out. I was absolutely ecstatic to come through for my team and get the biggest win of my career, while also sad to have stripped the win from one of my best friends on the racing circuit. After being teammates for the past two years, we have had some great battles this season and I am glad to have finally come out on top before the rivalry became completely one-sided.

I can’t thank my teammates enough, this team came together as a unit in the early season and we have fought together as one throughout, led by our fearless leader Steve Pelaez. It is a complete joy riding for Team Mike’s Bikes and I hope that we can keep building on our success throughout the summer as we head to some bigger races across the country.

Mt Hamilton Road Race, State Championships (from the lonely guy riding by himself)


I look around and see 4 other teammates stacked at the front of the race with 1km to go to the summit. Jim Wingert was up there setting the pace. John Piasta attacked hard 1km from the summit to go after the KOM. Evan Huffman, 2012 Gila TT winner of Cal Giant, putting his team on his back at the front of race, went shortly thereafter with Jim and myself on his wheel. When Huffman went, it took quite a bit to stay in contact, that guy has an engine.

Jim and I sat behind Huffman while he chased down John. When Huffman caught on to John on the flats after the summit, I looked at our group containing three of us and Huffman. I looked back and we had a decent gap on the field. I yelled: "Jim, go to the front and drill it" in hopes of getting this group to keep rolling for a advantageous breakaway. We did the work to make sure we were toward the front of the race with numbers the entire climb and it paid off. Our team was in an extremely good position here. Jim took over and without intention got a gap on all of us immediately. Huffman closed it down. At this point, Huffman had been a beast, pushing hard in the wind for over three minutes on his own. I think back to what local racing strategy expert, Roman Kilun would do in this situation. Roman would assess the situation and decide what would strategically put the race largely in the team's favor.

Seeing the field not too far behind I realized our group was not going to maintain it's gap on the descent so I roll up to Jim and told him "sit up and follow Huffman". I fully trust my equipment which is undoubtedly free speed on descents (Specialized SL4, Specialized tubular tires, and Zipp 404s) and years and years of training in the East Bay hills. I have spent over a decade racing and training on twisting norcal roads, also spending much of my available time coaching some of our future's young talents on Tieni Duro Junior Cycling Team how to push extra speed through turns with exceptional comfort and safety. Turning around after sprinting out of one of the corners, I see a large gap opening behind me. This is the point where I get to put those honed skills to use.

I come to the consensus that until there's a time check, I've got freedom to open up some serious time. It's a race to the first time check to establish my gap before worrying about the chase.

I know the training I've been getting from Provantage Sports is working and the fitness is there (a completely self interested plug right there). This is a championship race. Internally I tell myself: "Make it happen just like Paul Mach did in 2008 (report)." I take the corners smooth, feather down the hills, and hit the subsequent flat stretches and small hills with sustained concerted efforts of 400-500W. I could tell this is where training with fellow cycling coach Nate English has been really paying off. My team has my back. If I get caught, we've got some great sprinters who will be ready.



Mile 20

Mile 25: I get a time check of 2:10. "Ok, not as much as I'd like but let's stay smooth and stay out of sight." Mile 30: I then get a time check of 2:30. "Great! This could really work. Hold back, stay smooth." Mile 35: 2:00. "Oh man, they are coming in but I am getting close to the last big hill. There's still a lot of legs left. The training is timed and tuned to perfection." Mile 40: 1:50. "I am at the 9 minute hill, the last big one of the race. The legs are feeling great so I push it hard to maintain my gap and to ensure I am not seen on the climb's long stretches knowing that it could really work if I maintained the gap over the hill." Mile 45: 1:40. "Only 10 seconds lost on the hill! EXCELLENT!" Mile 48: 1:40. "I'm feeling great, the legs are feeling energized, 40 minutes of racing to go. It's on! This is now a 30km time trial. Pedal it in!" Mile 52: Hamstrings are not happy about this effort and cramp with every pedal stroke. I am not ready to give up. I am pedaling through the seizing muscles. I can feel my legs ripping themselves apart. If there's a pain that is any worse than being stabbed, it's stretching out a muscle that is actively pulling itself into a ball. "HTFU! JUST KEEP PEDALING!!!" Mile 53: 1:10. The descending is so close. "JUST KEEP PEDALING. DEAL WITH CONSEQUENCES LATER." Mile 57: I turn around and see a field led by BHRR winner, Keith Hillier of Marc-Pro Strava. The descending is just around the corner. "Just keep pushing and there might be a lull in the field. If not, your team is still getting a free ride."


Mile 53

I get caught. We are now on the descent and our team is looking fresh with numbers. We had numbers and utilized it well to bring it in for a field sprint. With intentions of keeping it together for a sprint, we covered an attack by Cal Giant's strong climber/TTist that created a group 2:1 in our favor. This isolated Cal Giant's strong sprinter Sam Bassetti to chase it down with our riders in tow. I gave what I had left to keep our guys in place. The team took over. Tyler gets a huge win (can't wait to hear his story).

A Force of Good and Happiness - Mike's Bikes

Thanks to Chuck's post from the Wente Crit, many of us have had a good laugh and fun these past few weeks. And we continued to play on this age old theme of good vs bad, of dark vs light at the Mike's Bikes Cat's Hill Classic. Here's the race video: http://vimeo.com/42036413

Obviously, Mike's Bikes is really a force of good and happiness to all of us. Let me share why:

Before deciding to join Team Mike's Bikes, I did some research and asked around about Matt Adams and the company. I was impressed by all that I learned. Mike's Bikes is the largest and most successful bike shop in the country thanks to the vision of the partners Ken Martin and Matt Adams. Their vision is simple: to bring biking happiness to all.

When you step into any of the 11 Mike's Bikes stores throughout Norcal, you feel this vision at work. The employees happily greet you and cater to your needs regardless of whether you are a novice recreational rider or a seasoned racer. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is treated with the same great customer service. Btw, I'm always curious about people's background and their journey to where they are today. So it's interesting to note that both Matt and Ken started as regular bike employees at Mike's. They are just regular guys like many of us who have worked at bike shops. Except, now they have created a biking empire in Norcal.

But what's even more impressive about Mike's is how they give back. In my book, the true worth and value of a person is measured by how much they give of themselves rather than how much they earn or make. In this regard, Mike's (Matt and Ken) are truly giants. Their bike Africa philanthropy project is impressive.

So before I even joined the team, I already liked these guys. Then, I met Matt Adams and many of the Mike's Bikes employees. I knew then, I had to be part of this team and turn the 2011 creme puff image around. My goal was simple: create a team that represents the excellence of Mike's Bikes.

At first, I simply looked around for talented riders who would successfully represent the company's high standing image. But then I thought, let's invest in the younger riders. However, in order to do this correctly, it's important to create the right peer support structure for the younger riders. We needed to bring not just one but a group of them. But our budget did not support adding (4) U23 riders. So I spoke with Matt, and he generously opened up the budget to support these young guns, the future of our sport.

I even suggested that perhaps, we don't need all these high end equipment to make room in our budget. Of course, Matt Adams would have none of this. If we are truly to represent the excellence of Mike's Bikes, then everything has to be the best. This is why we have the best bikes, the best wheels, the best clothing, the best gruoppo, the best nutritional products, the best coaching. The best training tools (garmin, gopro, cyclops powertap). We are a fortunate group of riders.

Over the years, I've developed the belief that a happy rider is a fast rider. Ultimately, we ride to pursue happiness. And the key to happiness is NOT wins. The key to happiness is feeling purposeful and being part of a community (something larger than oneself). We've worked hard since the end of the last year to create this sense of purpose for each rider (being the best teammate) and to have them be part of the Mike's community, not just with their teammates but with the entire Mike's organization. Interestingly, without the active pursuit of wins but a focus on great teamwork, we've won a lot more than I could have expected. These kids are great.

Also, I absolutely love going to the Mike's stores because many of the employees are genuinely interested and happy with the team's success. I feel that they too share in the team's success. We are after all their team. And it's our goal to be Norcal's most enjoyed and supported team too by bringing you biking happiness every week through our race videos, race reports, and team rides. Hope you are enjoying the show that is Team Mike's Bikes. We're just getting started.

Mike's Bikes is truly the force of good and happiness in Norcal cycling.

Land Park Criterium

Land Park Criterium is one of my favorites, it is an oval with a cloverleaf shaped-double chicane and almost hairpin stuck into it. There was an initial longstanding break of four that included Evan Huffman (CalGiant) and Peter Graf (Fremont Bank). Two of those in the break dropped back to the peloton and Evan and Peter charged on. There were constant bridge attempts, teammate Dana Williams and I included, but no solid chase. Dudes were getting really excited, bouncing off each other and scraping pedals. It wasn't until eight laps or so left that Nathanael Christensen (Michael David Winery) and I got away from the peloton. We worked our butts off for eight laps but never made it to the Huffman train; instead, we dangled half-way between the leaders and the peloton. I managed a third place and Dana was eighth. Nathanael and I coming into the finish:

Rand seducing the camera and Dana leading the rest:

Tim Westmore provided the above photos.

Sky's the Limit: Our Zimbabwe Boys Put Up Amazing Results

Team MK Cycles, our Sister Race Team in Zimbabwe, received their team kits in the most recent Africa container shipment. The kits came just in time for the Zimbabwe National Race in Harare, where the gentlemen of MK Cycles put in a great showing. Out of a field of fifty competitors, Pk placed 7th and Nkulumo placed 3rd.

Due to this performance, Nkulumo has been drafted to represent Zimbabwe at the All-Africa Games on the Zimbabwe National Team. The team, also known as the Zimbabwe Cycling Federation, first entered the international scene following team member Timothy Jones' successful run on the European and African racing circuits in the 1990s, and more recently, groundbreaking Zimbabwean mountain bike racer Antipas Kwari's participation in the 2008 Olympics. Nkulumo is very excited to go to Harare for accreditation this weekend, and he's thrilled to join such a prestigious African team.

Congratulations to Team MK Cycles and to Nkulumo and Pk! They're Zimbabwe National champions today, and are Olympic hopefuls of tomorrow!

Stolen Bike in Oakland

what: 55cm Colnago vip2000 Series, Ritchey Carbon fork, dura ace 7700 cranks, shimano brakes, cushy black Terry saddle with cutout, white carbon fiber handlebars under new black cushy griptape, shimano shifters, a stem 12cm or longer, black electric tape covering logo on the seat tubewhen: last night, 05/31/11 where: Oakland: Glen Ave between Linda and 41st Street

Please, Please Please if anyone seeing this bike please contact me. Thank you. 5102076385