Quick Update from BC Superweek

After the huge success at the local San Rafael Twilight Crit, several members of Team Mike's Bikes packed up their bikes and headed up to BC Superweek for some more fast racing. Dana Williams gave us a quick update on how the boys are doing:

"BC Superweek going well so far. 13th in UBC crit on Tuesday night and 12th at Gastown last night. 2 of 6 Team Mikes Bikes finished UBC (Riggs and I) and all but James finished Gastown. I did a quick interview on the start line for CBC (Canada's main broadcast station) and I guess it aired because I had lots of people say they saw me on TV.

UBC course was hardest crit I've done in a while. Technical course with one 180 degree turn followed by five 90 degree turns in pretty quick succession....so accelerate, then break, and repeat for 50 laps or 250 times. That gets the legs and heart going. Gastown is really only two accelerations and higher speed. The key to these races, like any other, but more so here, is to start at the front. I was 3 rows back at UBC which probably contributed to the pain but Gastown I was right behind the guys that got called up so much better More detailed report to follow. Giro di Burnaby tonight."

Click the link below for some footage of the boys at the Gastown Grand Prix via the Vancouver Sun: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/regional-news/WATCH+Gastown+Grand+Prix+returns+after+four+year+hiatus/6920429/story.html#ooid=hoMTZkNTqZ9orHwq6Eg_HBaPAc9bdkWF&ootime=52s