Team Mike's Bikes Masters - The Manifesto

Dear Prospective Team MB Masters Racer, I want to thank you for your interest in our program and share the spirit and philosophy of our team.  But before that, I want to do my best to convince you that this is not the team for you.

Let me first express that masters racing is not that important in the grand scheme of things.  I’m not interested in supporting older guys with established careers by providing financial support or excessive discounts so you can go for the win at a local office park crit or road race in the middle of nowhere.  I don’t want to mislead you that my motivation for assembling this team is to create a strong masters team for the sake of having a strong masters team.  My motivation is to put together a great group of strong riders who want to commit to each other and who want to help us give back to the next generation of racers.

That being said, I’m a 36 yr old Cat 3 who lays awake at night kicking myself for totally blowing the last 5K at Winters RR last year or reliving my well timed attack to get the Mt Tam HC win.  Personally, racing is very important and worth the sacrifices I have to make.  But at the same time, my heart and company are committed to building our Elite program.  We’ve developed an incredible team that’s been extremely rewarding to help build and be a part of.  The mission of our Elite program is to develop, inspire, and nurture the potential and happiness of the next generation of racers on and off the bike.  And that is what matters to me, and that is what I think is important.

So if you’re still reading by this point, thank you and there’s hope.  Our idea for the Master’s Team is to get a group of strong 35+ 1/2/3’s together who share our values of service, mentorship, and teamwork.

In joining the team, you’ll get the personal gratification of helping to make a difference for the next generation of Elite racers and hopefully Pro’s.  In addition, you’ll be a part of the best team in Northern California and the vibrant Mike’s Bikes community, dedicated to getting more people on bikes.  Also, you’ll enjoy the race day support that the elite team receives and a strong group of teammates who are as interested in team’s success as you are.  Further, you’ll be able to tap into the collective knowledge of the entire team, whether that’s training or nutrition advice, race tactics, or equipment choices.   And I also believe that if we get the right group of guys together who all buy in to the team first philosophy of Team MB, that success will happen.  We are all competitive and success validates the work we put in.  So in the words of Appel, “Let’s do this!”.


Matt Adams

President, Mike’s Bikes

Spiritual Leader, Team Mike’s Bikes