Our Stories

In the photo: Brennan Wertz, Holger Steinmetzger, Mathias Jacquelin
TMBDev shows up in force to NorCal’s premier stage race, and storms the GC podium with strong rides in the road race and time trial!
This years edition of the Redlands classic was filled with quite a lot. A lot of emotional ups and downs as the peloton mourned two of its own, a lot of scenic views of snow capped mountains overlooking super blooms, a lot of hungry new faces and teams, and finally, a lot of racing. We caught up with one of our racers Sam Anderson-Moxley and asked him some questions about the race and his 10th place finish on the overall GC.
In the photo: Mikal Davis
Early season stage racing pays strong dividends to those putting in the TT work over the winter and looking for a couple last upgrade points.
In the off season, many of the elite team riders grab for their Diverge for a little change in scenery. After doing hundreds of laps on our favorite local roads, it is refreshing to branch outwards.
As a bike racer you know it’s ironic how much time you spend driving to races. Redlands, Chico, Bend, the Bay; from all this time in the van, you’ve come to find that as far as bike racing rigs go, there’s a few qualities that are essential:
If you’re only in the market for one bike but still want to contend to win whatever race you choose, you should get the Tarmac.
Searching for a team to ride with in 2019? Then look no further! TMB Development is a team focused on developing road racing skills and race teamwork, but also has a fun side for those who want a soft introduction to racing and group riding with lots of stoke.
In the photo: Mathias Jacquelin
Last race of the season, and I had never raced so far away, so how could I say no to waking up at 4:20am, drive for 2.5h and race my bike one last time for the 12th Henleyville Road Race? I couldn’t, so here I was on I5, eating a plain bagel and drinking coffee, determined to make it to the hall of fame of Velopromo races. ….
In the photo: Chris Craig
With the 2018 season coming to a close I am happy to say I was able to take home the Cal Cup! The Cal Cup is an omnium of last ten major races in the Velo Promo season. The competition was tight and we needed to perform well, at least 7th place, at the final race (Oakland Grand Prix) to lock it down. …..
In the photo: Theo Goguely
Time Trials are often called the race of truth, usually for good reason as there isn't a peloton, teammates, or luck to hide behind and affect the outcome. It's you and your bike against the clock, and the fastest person wins. Pretty simple really. …
Written by: Emile Goguely (In the photo: Mathias Jacquelin, tied on time with Emile :)
With a shortened road season and loads of time on the TT bike I decided to target the district time trial championship. The event was meant to happen in Esparto but the location became Athlone just south of Merced. Not a fan of last minute changes and vague course description but this played into my favor as I still had college friends from UCM and that was an opportunity for me to be in town. ….
In the photo: Marco Lei
The Giro di San Francisco is one of my favorite crits of the season. It’s local, technical, with railroad tracks, lots of potholes and cracks, a small up hill and typically a large field – everything a crit racer could wish for. With the podium finish two days prior, I’m coming into this race with high hope of getting good results. This race has always felt special to me. I ride these roads every morning as my office is right outside the race course. ……
In the photo: Chris Craig and Travis McEuen
After some nice results and a few good weekends of racing fitness was solid
This race almost always has an early break go, riders later bridge and they lap the field. We were ready to have numbers in that break. ….
In the photo: Marco Lei
For some, the Labor Day weekend marks the end of the racing season. I’ve planned my training to peak in August and I’m in pretty good shape going into these races. I scheduled 4 races for this weekend (2 races at RKO and 2 races at the SF Giro – see the next race report for SF Giro). …..
In the photo: Mathias Jacquelin
This was my second race of the day, and should have been my “celebratory” roll-out as I had secured the 2/3 Red Kite Omnium overall. I was joined by Mikal Davis and Michael Kurnik, determined to fool around. But deep inside me, I wasn’t completely happy about one thing though: I hadn’t won any mass start race of the Red Kite 2/3 this season. ……
In the photo: Mathias Jacquelin
I came into this race with the sole ambition to help my teammates Ingmar Jungnickel and Mikal Davis to improve/defend their positions in the Red Kite Omnium general classification. Dante Lobue and Michael Kurnik were also there to support our two leaders. Ingmar was sitting in third in the Omnium and was closely watched by riders occupying the 2nd and 1st places. He had to get a couple of primes to be able to win the overall so we knew from the start that it would be a hard task. ….