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Rider Testimonials: Betwixt Chamois Cream & Zealios Sun Barrier

Team Mike's Bikes p/b Incase relationship with Personal Best Products, makers of Betwixt Chamois Cream and Zealios Sun Barrier, has turned out to be a winning combination (literally). Be sure to stop by your local Mike's Bikes and pick up some for yourself. You'll likely get it at a special price this coming weekend during Mega Sale. Here's just a few testimonials by team members:

"The Betwixt Chamois Cream is easy to transport with the durable case and screw cap, easy to apply and mess free with the built in applicator, and makes for an easier ride with no chaffing, no pain, and a very happy butt." - Nick Newcomb

"Betwixt makes each ride a smooth happy ride.  My entire team is happy and ready for a long day in the saddle.  And my shorts smell like fabric softener even after a long day on them.  Love it." - Steve Pelaez

"This is the first season that I have completely avoided sun burning. Thanks to Betwixt for being the first sun barrier I've used that doesn't leave oil residue while protecting me from the sun during long races." - Marcus Smith

"I love the zelios because it doesn't make my eyes sting when swear drips down.  I feel well protected without looking like a zombie." - Steve Pelaez

In addition, here's a review of Zealios Sun Barrier earlier this year by team rider Adam Switters: