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Sierra de Montserrat Circuit Race

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Rainier and I made a last minute audible to head north to the Sierra de Montserrat Circuit Race instead of the earlier morning road race down south. We arrived a little late but still had time for a quick warmup and to discover quite a bit of climbing on the course. About 500 ft per 1.3 mile lap with an average grade of 7% on the climbs, fun. Riggs laid down the plan for us to attack hard as numbers would mean less as it would become a race of attrition.

Several attacks went off but Local Pro Max Jenkins Competitive Cyclist Racing Team did a ton of work to bring everything back.

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Towards the end of the race, Riggs and another rider made a move during a lull before a descent and got some daylight. I was unfortunately riding at my limit and could do little to assist. Luckily fresh off his win at Dunnigan Hills the previous weekend, Riggs is a monster and the break held to the finish. Riggs crested the climb first with both hands in the air.

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Unfortunately the lap cards were a bit screwed up (as was my brain), and I let the remaining peloton get away from me with only half a lap to go. I rolled across the line 14th and another half a lap later realized that the race was over. Rainier finished a few places ahead and Travis a few behind.

Thanks to Alex Chiu for more rad photos. To see more photos of the race, check out his SmugMug.
