Team Mike's Bikes powered by Equator Coffees

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Veronika Lenzi - Through My Eyes Photography

For the Team Mike's Bikes 2012 Training Camp we had the honor of being hosted by the mother of Bay Area cycling (and beyond), Veronika "Ronnie" Lenzi. For those of you that haven't met, been photographed by, gotten a massage from, or stayed at her chateau in Petaluma, Ronnie is the ultimate soigneur. She has hosted the likes of several professional cycling teams, massaged some of the bigger cyclists we see winning races, and captured some of the most breathtaking photos we see in cycling magazines. Ronnie can be found at most every NCNCA race with a camera in each hand.

Prior to our arrival at her beautiful home, Ronnie had our housing arrangement for the camp all taken care of with borrowed tables, chairs, and air mattress from around the neighborhood and even went as far as having our beds made. She proceeded to help cook and do dishes, give massages, and photograph the team of 18 riders each and everyday of camp. This was all while editing her other photos and getting ready for a business trip to the Tour of Qatar.

On behalf of the team, I would like to personally thank Ronnie for best cycling camp I have ever had the likes of attending and probably will. I feel fortunate to have spent a brief period of time in her care.

Thank you Ronnie!

Visit Ronnies site or click on the any of photos below to check out more of the beautiful photos she captured of the team. Enjoy.
